The Ice Age

Ice covered northern Europe, west to Siberia, and much of Canada. The climate was dryer and colder than now in the regions below the ice line, which maintained a substantial population of large herbivores, including mammoths, large carnivores, like sabre tooth tigers, and man.

At lower latitudes, corresponding to presently arid regions as northern Mexico, the Sahara and the Mesopotamian-Caspian region, climatic conditions were wetter than now and probably favourable to cattle breeding and agriculture. In particular, the Sahara was a huge grassland, its mountains were forested, large lakes filled the depressions and great rivers were flowing, as has been spectacularly confirmed by radar photographs from the Shuttle.

In western and central Asia the climate was favourable too, thanks also to the presence of a huge inner sea which enclosed the Black Sea (during the glaciations the Black Sea was not connected with the Mediterranean), the Caspian Sea and probably lake Aral, for an extension almost equal to that of the Mediterranean.

Finally, heavy vegetation covered the Caribbean region, parts of central Africa and the Pacific regions of Asia and Australia from middle China to southern Australia.

In the beginning…

I believe that for 100,000 years people like you and me grew up around the equatorial belt of the world – during a period called The Ice Age, in lush and fertile lands like America, Asia and North Africa – until disaster struck. It was, in fact, a global catastrophe, as we were plunged into darkness for thousands of years, which nearly wiped us out, and the civilizations we had evolved. But there were survivors, albeit very few, and we are that proof.

Imagine, for a brief minute, how far we humans have advanced over the past few hundred years – from sailing in wooden ships to landing on Mars, for example. Now imagine how far we humans could have advanced during the aforementioned Ice Age, and where we will be 1,000 years from now, not to mention 100,000 years.

There are many disciplines of science today that now support the once accepted theory suggesting humans did not cross our deep oceans until Columbus. The Vikings (Norsemen) did, reaching Canada, having already settled in France (Normandy), who also rather famously “invaded” England in 1066 … and a few decades later launched The Crusades, initiated by several rich and royal Norman families, led by their Knights Templar.

There are many mysteries of history to explore and they each are a story. There are many megalithic (large stone) structures from coast to coast found on all continents, and these were not built by so-called “cavemen” in an era historians still call The Stone Age. These were descendants of those few survivors. If you and I survived a mass catastrophe, we would find refuge in a cave. There are prehistoric paintings on cave walls in Southern Europe which were not rivalled until The Renaissance a few hundred years ago.

In addition to petroglyphs and pictographs, ancient messages remain to be deciphered, not to mention languages found written on tablets or carved into rock, such as the Rongorongo inscriptions from Easter Island; symbols with hidden meaning.

The islands of Malta contain a few mysteries that remain unexplained – from the elongated skulls to the cart “ruts” that end up somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. Once financing is finalized, Malta is the focus of the first episode. As a jumping off point, Malta is important in order to understand the oceans did indeed rise in recent memory, albeit 12,000 years ago, and obviously impacted the island’s ingenious yet ancient societies.

Malta’s mysterious cart tracks, which go over cliffs and disappear into the Mediterranean, are theorized to be a tram-line, perhaps taking quarried stone to now submerged cities.

The surviving megalithic temples on Malta are conservatively estimated to be at least a thousand years older than the pyramids at Giza. They are the earliest freestanding stone buildings known to mankind and the oldest space-enclosing architecture still in existence, predating England’s Stonehenge, King Solomon’s Temple and certainly the palaces of Crete.

The search for the truth continues. Stay tuned.